are you on a journey to awaken to your truest self?

I did not know where to start when I began my awakening. I was filled with anger about myself. I did not know who I was, but what I did know was that I was creating a life of stress for those around me.

I was done with feeling overwhelmed all the time, done with hustling and constantly on the go, done with not trusting my intuition.

And from that moment, I decided I was going to live my life authentically.

I was going to live my life on purpose and with purpose.

I was going to live my life with full awareness and consciousness of who I was being.

I decided in that moment to embody the best and highest version of myself, and in doing that, I easily repaired the relationships with those I loved.

I healed the relationship I had with exercise and food.

I healed the relationship I had with my body.

I healed the relationship I had with money.

I healed my relationship with how I saw myself and as a result, the mirror of my reality slowly began to reflect who I was embodying and being and easily attracting everything my soul craved.

my mantra is you are your greatest teacher.

My mission is to guide those wo are ready to stop feeling stuck and disconnect from their inner wisdom so you can live life confidently, with clarity, with love and with purpose.

who is susan carabello?

I am a Manifestation Coach and Spiritual Teacher, Yoga Instructor, Shaman, and Reiki Master.

My life’s purpose is to teach individuals show you how to truly and authentically fall in love with yourself so that you can tap into your own power, connect with the Creator daily, create life with intent and live in full abundance by learning about inner alignment.

You can find me on Instagram daily sharing my Daily Dose of Inspiration.


  • Certified Life Coach through the Beautiful You Academy

  • 200 HR Certified Holistic Yoga, Ayurveda and Shamanic Teacher (JAI Wellness)

  • Certified Reiki Master and Practitioner

  • Certified Restorative Yoga Instructor

    Certified Aerial Yoga Instructor

  • Certified Retreat Facilitator


Dear Beautiful Soul LLC was created on the values of authenticity, faith and service, all while creating community, fun and freedom for ourselves and the world around us. It is my mission to teach you about spiritual law and self-love so that you can apply it to your life every single day.