are you on a journey to awaken to your truest self?
I did not know where to start when I began my awakening. I was filled with anger about myself. I did not know who I was, but what I did know was that I was creating a life of stress for those around me.
I was done with feeling overwhelmed all the time, done with hustling and constantly on the go, done with not trusting my intuition.
And from that moment, I decided I was going to live my life authentically.
I was going to live my life on purpose and with purpose.
I was going to live my life with full awareness and consciousness of who I was being.
I decided in that moment to embody the best and highest version of myself, and in doing that, I easily repaired the relationships with those I loved.
I healed the relationship I had with exercise and food.
I healed the relationship I had with my body.
I healed the relationship I had with money.
I healed my relationship with how I saw myself and as a result, the mirror of my reality slowly began to reflect who I was embodying and being and easily attracting everything my soul craved.